Wolverine #154

2/11/2024 1:12:51 PM
All Along WatchTower


  Wolverine is in the midst of a confrontation between himself against Deadpool and a group of mercenaries known as the Scourge. Though Logan informs Deadpool that they had nothing to fight about and that the last time they met, they had left on good terms, Deadpool said he needed the money, and that Logan was the good he would have to bring in. After saying a few wise-crack jokes, Logan and Deadpool begins to battle it out. Logan seemed to have gotten the upper hand against Deadpool until Deadpool kicks him off, and unleashes a barrage of traquilizer darts, with "...enough sedative to drop a T-Rex", as disclaimed by Deadpool. Just as Logan begins to pass out, he begins to think back at how this all began that day.

  Earlier that day, Logan had been having a drink alone at an empty bar. Only the bartender, Leon, and the waitress, Janine, were there. From a distance inside a van, Deadpool and the Scourge were watching Logan via cameras. Deadpool decides to attack and capture Logan after Logan was done with his drink. Logan was being seduced by the waitress to join her. After she takes off to get her stuff, Logan grabs the bartender and demands to know what was going on. He recalled that the bartender had referred to himself as Leon, but the waitress had called him Levon, which he still responded to. Janine returns, heavily armed. She unleashes a barrage of bullets in Wolverine's direction. Deadpool realizes that this probably meant that they had hired help moonlighting as bounty hunters, which meant it was time for him and his group to move. They trigger a switch on board the van, which ignites explosives located in the block where the bar was located, and the entire complex explodes.

  Logan is thrown across the street into a bar, where he is met by Reckless Eric, who was there to apprehend him. Logan doesn't know how long he had been out, but he was attacked by the Scourge. Despite being heavily drugged, he was able to fight off the Scourge. He was able to notice that they all reeked of fear, and they weren't putting up much of a fight against him, considering that they were all professionals. As he takes out the Scourge, he catches a whiff of what they had been afraid of ... he catches the stench of pure evil. This new presence, known as the Administrator, was amazed that even in his drug-enduced state, Logan was able to still sense his presence. He wonders how Logan could have taken his mutant "gifts" for granted to the point where he didn't even recognize the beauty of the abilities that he had. Logan prepares to fight him, but with one slap, the administrator knocks out Logan, who was then apprehended by the Scourge.

  Out in a desolated watchtower by the sea, Deadpool is seen talking with Reckless Eric near a chemical bath. Inside was Siryn, the X-Force member who had lost her vocal cords (and, thus, her mutant abilities) during a fight in the X-Force series about a year ago. Deadpool had somehow managed to take her to this facility, where he had traded their facilities' ability to "make her whole" again in exchange for his capture of Wolverine.

  In another room, Logan was held captive upside down. The Administrator had drained some blood from Logan's body in order to learn more about his healing abilities. The Administrator claims that the Watchtower (his organization) was trying to heal a sick world, and Wolverine would be their greatest weapon.

  From a skylight above the room, three unknown intruders were about to enter the facility to get Logan. One of the intruders, Hardwire, teleports itself and the two other intruders into the complex, where they grab Logan. Logan, in his weakened state, asks them who they were. The leader of the pack tells Logan that they were his friends, or in his own words, "...or enemies. It all depends on where you stand. Doesn't it, father?"