Wolverine #21
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 1990
- Month
- 2
- LastChanged
- 2/11/2024 12:30:58 PM
- Writer - Archie Goodwin
- Breakdowns - John Byrne
- Finisher - Klaus Janson
- Lettering - Jim Novak
- Editor - Bob Harras
- Editor in Chief - Tom Defalco
- Colorist - Glynis Oliver
In Australia, we see Havok, Colossus, Dazzler, and Psylocke at what served as the X-Men's headquarter. Psylocke is attempting to contact Logan telepathically. She says she can locate him, but his thoughts in his mind are strange, something that they couldn't help Logan with.
Back in Tierra Verde, the helicopter that Logan was in was down, and they were roaming in the jungle, with Geist on the ground and Caridad in the air looking for them. Logan, at this time, has grown quite mean because the drug was having a profound effect on him. Roughouse had to restrain Logan from hurting people, and Sister Salvation had to keep using her touch to keep Logan calm. But nevertheless, these three had to continue going to escape from Caridad and Geist.
Meanwhile, La Bandera was stirring up the natives there, attempting to inspire them to fight Caridad.
Back to Logan's group though....Logan has a dream where he is in the WWII-era, fighting the Nazis. He is injured severly, and almost gives up, but Sister Salvation appears, telling him that he had it in him to save himself. Logan still almost gives up until Sister Salvation gives him a kiss to get him through this.
Still in his dreams, Logan locates Geist and Adolf Hitler together. Logan bursts in and attempts to kill Geist. But Geist reveals that there was more than meets the eye, as Geist's body began to be replaced with a snow-like material. The monster that is spawned called himself Spore. Spore reveals that in ancient time, he was created by the Deviants during the times when the Eternals warred each other. He was created as a living disease. Eternals fell, and he continued to consume, absorb, and grow. He was only stopped after the Celestials saw this evilness, and burend him, causing him to return to the slime that he had been once. The slime seeped into the mountain-side, only to be given life once again by the cocaine. Spore attempted to find a host body which could allow it to flourish and live. Most bodies were unable to support it, but Logan, with his healing factor, was. Logan then begins to think about how Salvation had said he was his own healing factor, and many Wolverines then shows up to kill the Spore.
Wolverine suddenly wakes up, discovering that it was nighttime. But they were soon caught by Geist and Caridad, who revealed that Salvation had helped them locate them. Wolverine asks Salvation why, and Salvation said that Wolverine had pain which she couldn't help, and that the more important factor was that Caridad had her son.