Wolverine #32

2/11/2024 12:33:18 PM
Terminal Trauma


  At Tyger Tiger's penthouse in uptown Madripoor, Logan is resting, trying to recover from his injuries. He has hallucinations of the three who were high on the drug known as Thunderbolt and had attacked him. Logan then wakes up. He's determine to continue on searching for those Japanese gangsters, but Tyger and Corrigan told Logan to get some rest and let his body heal first.

  Meanwhile, in the central highlands of Madripoor, Dr. Malheur, Dai-Kumo, and Gen. Coy are on a spider-monkey-hunting operation. With the help of a native, who really didn't understand why they were taking all the monkeys, they gased many of the monkeys out of the trees and hauled them off. The native wonders why they want to steal all the "little people", and Dr. Malheur's reply was that by eating the monkey's brain, it helps them to see God.

  Goro and Reiko later calls Dai-Kumo, telling him that logan still lived, and that his men had failed. Dai-Kumo tells them both that it was their responsibility to see to it that Logan was killed, and that he wanted proof too. So after Tiger and Corrigan leaves to find out where Dai-Kumo was staying at, Goro and Reiko heads up there. After disabling Tyger's four guards, Reiko encounters Logan, and stabs him through the chest. Logan collapses to the floor, apparently dead. Instead of lopping off his head like usual, he used a camera to take a picture of the sword in Logan's chest as evidence that Logan was dead.

  Logan then has what seems to be an out-of-body experience. In this dark place, he sees Jean, who points to his chest and motioning him to pull the shining thing out of his chest. Logan pulls it out, and suddenly, he finds himself awake pulling the sword out of his chest. Tiger and Corrigan returns, shocked to see Logan with a Yakuza sword. Tyger tells him that they've located where Dai-Kumo was: at an abandoned warehouse in lowtown by the docks. Logan says he's going to go after him, even if he had to drag himself down there.

  At the Warehouse, we learn a little more about this drug. From what we understand from Dr. Malheur, the brain fluid from the monkey acts as a catalyst; all it would take is one milligram of the fluid, and when combined with pure cane sugar, vinegar, and peanut shell fiber, would create a drug known as Zap, and further refinement of Zap would yield the super-drug known as the Thunderbolt. When taken, this drug would impart superhuman strength, endurance, and total pain-suppression that would last for an hour and will end in death. Dr. Malheur still doesn't understand why people would pay for a drug that would kill them (Thunderbolt), since it would have been more profitable to sell Zap.

  Goro and Reiko then returns, showing Dai-Kumo the picture as evidence of Logan's death. They all then board a plane to return back to Osaka, Japan.

  Logan and Tiger heads down to the Warehouse. Inside, they discover all these dead monkeys in there, as well as the native there, who was shocked at what they had done to all the "little people". Logan asks them where they went. The native replies back to the "factory island...where the cars, motor-bikes, radios, and TVs come from...and where all the money goes to." Logan tells Tiger that they are going to leave for Japan.