Wolverine #114

6/21/2024 10:38:26 PM
For the Snark was a Roojum, you see!


  Donning his Wolverine outfit, Logan takes to the street in search of the possessed Helen. He runs into Clive and Kirstin, who points him in the direction that Helen went. Clive notices how familiar Wolverine's voice was (since they only met him as Logan ealier).

  While in an allyway, Wolverine runs into Daimon Hellstorm. He warns Wolverine to safeguard the box at all cost, and how the one that Logan seeks threatens everyone that Logan knows. He then disappears, and next thing Wolverine knows, he is attacked by Lady Deathstrike, who now had her programming updated by Pierce with a self-repair and reconfiguration program.

  Back in Logan's apartment, Jean and Storm are still safeguarding the box. Suddenly, the lighs in the room goes out, as do the lights of half the lower east side of the city. Storm notices how the box was glowing from within, and asks Jean if she knows what was in it. Jean doesn't know, and to satisfy their curiosity, they open the box to see what was within it.

  Back on the streets, Deathstrike and Wolverine were still squaring it off. Lady Deathstrike demands that Logan hand over the box, which she claims is the same as Logan having the adamantium metal that had once been part of his skeleton, but Wolverine said that he will keep his word in keeping the box safe. But wolverine does tell her that the box has Lady Deathstrike's family markings on it, and would give it to her after he and Zoe Culloden (aka Expediter) had a talk about it. Deathstrike, after hearing Culloden's name, agrees with Logan to a truce to find out more about why Culloden was involved in this.

  Back in the apartment, after Storm and Jean had saw the contents of the box, they are under attack by a fully-armed Helen Bach, who was still possessed by Ogun's spirit. Jean blocks the bullets with a telekinetic shield while Storm knocks Helen off of her feet with a gust of wind. Jean enters Helen's mind to duel with Ogun on the Astral plane. Ogun and Jean has a short-lived fight, for Jean easily disables Ogun and frees Helen. Ogun is forced out of Helen's mind. Logan and Deathstrike returns. Wolverine accidently reveals his secret identity to Helen, but Helen reveals to him about her past (since she had the military gear): about how she was an Army Blackhawk pilot during the gulf-war and had been captured and torchered, which was why she had these military gears because she was afraid of being a vicim again at the mercy of others.

  Meanwhile, Ogun's spirit takes over Lady Deathstrike's body, manipulating her form into that Logan would recognize more better. Logan recognizes him as Ogun, right before Ogun escapes.