Wolverine: Snikt! #3
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 2003
- Month
- 9
- LastChanged
- 2/11/2024 10:14:56 AM
- Writer - Tsutumu Nihei
- Artist - Tsutumu Nihei
- Editor - C.B. Cebulski
- Editor in Chief - Joe Quesada
- Colorist - Guru EFX
- Lettering - Cory Petit
- Ass't Editor - Mackenzie Cadenhead
Fusa explains: the Mandate is a mutant disease, begun as a lab experiment attempting to develop something which would decompose toxic waste. They mutated flesh-eating bacteria and put it in organic containment unit, and that's when it went wrong: it became sentient and wanted a body. It multiplied and spread, destroying everything in its wake, wiping out its city of origin in a few days. Only the original, the Primogenitor, can procreate, making orb-cores for each new Mandate, which has the ability to generate any body form. The Anti-Mandate Armored Corps, robots developed as a defense force, stood no chance. The small band of surviving humans is in an underground compound made from the one substance the Mandate can't penetrate; the same thing was used to build the Colonel and his bullets: adamantium. That's why Fusa brought Logan here.
Logan takes a walk, to let all this sink in. He finds himself in an underground graveyard, filled with monuments to hundred of the slain. Fusa follows him and says she had a vision one day, suddenly knew everything about him, and knew he was their one chance. He asks how she transports through time; she just concentrates, and she think she can send him back. Logan's ready to start fighting.
The team assembles; the target is the Primogenitor herself, which Yaa will be able to detect; the mission is more important than their individual lives. Fusa stays behind; Logan insists on this, so he'll have a way home.