Transformers: War Within: The Dark Ages V2 #2
- Publisher
- DreamWave Productions
- Year
- 2003
- Month
- 11
- LastChanged
- 2/21/2024 7:34:38 PM
Issue #2
- Writer - Simon Furman
- Penciler - Andrew Wildman
- Inker - Erik Sander
- Colorist - Espen Grundet Jern
- Lettering - Ben Lee
- Editor in Chief - Roger Lee
In the bowels of Cybertron, The Fallen is pleased with the handiwork of his acolytes, who have prepared the Well of All Sparks for the unbinding. Bludgeon notes they'd prefer a more tangible reward; in response, The Fallen overwhelms him with a miniscule taste of it, and Bludgeon merrily rallies the others to their next task.
At the industrial sector of the Tagan Heights, Springer leads the Wreckers on a search for Ratbat. He's worried that if Ratbat's Ultracons take control of the sector, they can gear it for full-scale weapons production and tip the balance of war. After splitting into teams, Springer leaps up for a better view -- then yells for a retreat as Devastator attacks!
At Iacon, the Protectobots debate this turn of events; all the combiner teams risk losing their autonomy if they start joining the different Autobot/Decepticon factions. To preserve their independence, the Protectobots head out to fight Devastator, unaware that Bugly and Mindwipe are watching their departure.
Back at Tagan Heights, the Wreckers are having little effect against Devastator. Springer gets trapped by a tangle of wires; he is confronted by Ratbat, who plans to kill him for interfering. Springer escapes, however, as the Protectobots arrive and combine into Defensor, who battles Devastator with earth-shaking blows.
Meanwhile, as Bludgeon makes his own plans to capture Grimlock, Autobase central command sounds with klaxons of escalating conflicts from all over, and the only person around is the Autobot scientist, Jetfire.