Transformers: War Within: The Dark Ages V2 #3
- Publisher
- DreamWave Productions
- Year
- 2003
- Month
- 12
- LastChanged
- 2/2/2024 7:58:20 PM
Issue #3
- Writer - Simon Furman
- Penciler - Andrew Wildman
- Inker - Erik Sander
- Colorist - Espen Grundet Jern
- Colorist - Ramil Sunga
- Colorist - Rob Ruffolo
- Lettering - Ben Lee
- Editor in Chief - Roger Lee
Flames and chaos runs through the Tagan Heights, as the battle between Devastator and Defensor destroys the industrial sector. Springer accuses Ratbat of treaty violations in recruiting Devastator, but the Ultracon leader is unbowed, accusing the Wreckers of doing similar tactics in the past.
Meanwhile, at Autobase, Jetfire meets up with Trailbreaker and Bluestreak, who explain that the other Autobots have left to investigate the rumors of a new Decepticon battle platform. Slightly pained at being omitted for being untrustworthy, Jetfire studies the recent slate of attacks, trying to find a pattern in the rising number of incidents.
At Praetorus Wharf on the eastern border of Iacon, Prowl cautiously leads his team in search of the rumored Decepticon weapons platform. Their precautions are wasted -- without warning, the ground shifts beneath them, and the Autobots suddenly find themselves under attack by the massive Trypticon. Meanwhile, the Wreckers reluctantly retreat from the Tagan Heights, leaving Springer behind.
Back at Autobase, Jetfire realizes that he doesn't have enough information to analyze the spate of uprisings. Against his better judgement, he contacts his former comrade Shockwave, and explains that he believes someone is controlling recent events to mainpulate the Transformers. Jetfire implores the Decepticon to share their data and study it together, and Shockwave hesitantly agrees to meet in the neutral territories.
As the battle at Tagan Heights worsens, Springer tries to stop the fight by flying between the two giants. Unfortunately, this distraction allows Devastator to knock Defensor away and catch Springer instead. Springer is saved when the Protectobots return, using a power cable to overwhelm Devastator and knock him out. As Springer recovers, the Protectobos reluctantly agree that they have to guard themselves more carefully in the future to prevent any further incidents.
Elsewhere, at the headquarters of the Lightning-Strike-Coalition, Grimlock watches recent events by a secret wiretap at Autobase. As Prowl calls for help against Trypticon and Jetfire rendezvous with Shockwave, Grimlock seethes...