Wolverine: The End #1
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 2004
- Month
- 1
- LastChanged
- 2/11/2024 10:27:50 AM
Issue #1
"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others." --George Orwell.
Pinckeyville, BC: Peterson packs supplies into his pick-up; Palmer and Ring ask him about it; it's for the old mutant weirdo out by River Bend. He trades for pelts, and Peterson, an old man, has been visiting since he was a little kid.
Logan tracks a deer in the woods but isn't quick enough to catch it. He has trouble retracting his claws and talks to himself: he's getting old and arthritic. He asks himself what if he suffers for another century, but decides he doesn't car. He returns to his cabin and finds Peterson there. He has a letter; someone Logan knows died.
In the pouring rain, Creed has a well-attended Christian funeral! The priest explains that he converted late in life and did charitable work for animals. Logan and Peterson observe from a distance; Logan remembers his many battles with Creed. He says Creed was an animal and only found God because he was afraid of dying. He's surprised by Creed death, having always felt they were connected. Creed's lawyer Rand sees Logan at the tombstone and says Creed respected him and was sad Logan insisted on living in the past. She hands him a letter from Creed; he sniffs it.
Peterson drives all night to get Logan to a gated estate in Alberta; Logan naps, dreams of being in the Weapon X lab, and wakes with a start. They find an abandoned mansion; the voice in Logan's head warns him off, but he enters. Peterson sees a crest above the fireplace, the same as on Creed's letter. Logan warns him to keep down, "they" might be watching; he runs out to the grounds and finds John Howlett's grave (Wolverine: The Origin 2), with a book lying there. It's about Japan; whoever left it there knows about Logan.
Logan says Peterson deserves an explanation for all this and asks if he ever wished for anything; Peterson says he has a pipe dream of sailing somewhere warm. Logan says this is the Howlett estate; centuries ago all their children died, one after another, and the mansion was abandoned. He's the only one left; he learned the story over the years but has no memory of it. His mutant healing factor works on his brain, too, making him forget traumatic experiences, and all he's wanted is to connect the pieces. He thinks something bad happened to him here, caused by the government, but all he knows is the name "Weapon X."
Peterson is understandable confused; Logan says someone's set this up, knowing he could detect a scent over 200 years old. They've been watching all this time, and Creed was involved. He grabs Peterson, demanding to know if he's one of them, but he denies it. Logan mutters, "Weapon X, man… Weapon X. They're everywhere."