Wolverine: The End #2
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 2004
- Month
- 3
- LastChanged
- 2/11/2024 10:28:03 AM
Issue #2
- Writer - Paul Jenkins
- Artist - Claudio Castillini
- Colorist - Paul Mounts
- Lettering - Dave Sharpe
- Ass't Editor - Marc Sumerak
- Ass't Editor - Andy Schmidt
- Ass't Editor - Nicole Wiley
- Editor - Tom Brevoort
- Editor in Chief - Joe Quesada
Logan got Peterson to drive him to Vancouver, and they sit on a dock watching the ships. Peterson asks what they're doing; Logan tells him to shut up and be prepared for anything; Peterson thinks he's crazy, going on about Weapon X. Logan notices a ship and tells Peterson he has to go, right now; he apologizes for not being "Mr. Personality" and asks him for another favor. He warns these are serious people, and he doesn't want to put him in danger, but he asks him to go to the cabin and look at the magazines. One isn't right; it's an old safeguard he set up.
Three weeks later, Logan guts fish aboard the ship; he was caught as a stowaway and set to work in the galley. The voice in his head says he's too old for this, and it isn't his world anymore. The ship arrives in Tokyo; Logan asks around and hitches a ride to Torikana. He finds the library and asks for a book, Ghost of Japan: The Lost Rituals of Kanaguri. The librarian is suspicious; Logan takes the book from his jacket and returns it to the shelf; he tells her to notify anyone who's interested that he's there. She says the Kanaguri Cult was defunct 1200 years ago, and westerners should stop trying to fit Japan into their fantasies. Logan replies he knew her great-grandfather, Yoshihiro Tanaka, who said something similar to him.
Peterson finds motorcycle magazines in Logan's cabin, plus a copy of Wine Lover.Logan crouches on a roof, looking through a skylight at a Kanaguri Cult ritual. The leader says he saw what shouldn't be seen, and a demon threatened to kill him, so he pledged to sacrifice a virgin to him each year. Logan drops in to prevent that; he says they're fools, finding some made-up Shinto ritual on the Internet and acting like occult experts. The cult attacks; Logan easily puts them down, and the girl runs off. Logan grabs the leader and demands information about his boss; he says his name is Kitsunebi, but before he can say more, he's shot by a sniper. Logan finds the girl dead outside, as well.
Peterson realizes Wine Lover is an anagram for Wolverine; he finds an ad in it giving him the password to Logan's computer. A message there asks him to send him some things out of his trunk, and keep the rest for himself. Peterson opens it and finds wads of $50 bills (Canadian, unfortunately).
Logan scales Hiragana-San Mountain, described in the Ghost of Japan book. He reaches the statue of the Old Man, the local, treacherous deity, likely to send an ice storm or wind to blow you off the mountain. Kitsunebi is his demon guard, and only the foolish dare approach. Like the Old Man, Logan sits and waits. He talks to someone behind him, saying he knows he's being followed, and tells him to show himself. A silent, ghostly form attacks him; Logan is unable to make contact but gets slashed repeatedly. The demon ignores his pleas and knocks him down; he says he could have killed Logan any time these last 200 years, and it disappears; Logan wonders why it didn't kill him and passes out.
Note: Opal Tanaka was Iceman's girlfriend (UXM 288-305).