Transformers: Armada #24
- Publisher
- DreamWave Productions
- Year
- 2004
- Month
- 6
- LastChanged
- 2/26/2005 7:45:00 AM
- Writer - Simon Furman
- Penciler - James Raiz
- Inker - Rob Armstrong
- Colorist - Jong-Im Lee
- Colorist - Josh Perez
- Colorist - Elliot Kravchik
- Lettering - Ben Lee
On Cybertron, Ironhide is supposed to be supervising the assembly of a planetary shield array, but is constantly distracted by visions of Cybertron cracking apart. Jetfire urges him to stay focused, while from afar, Tidal Wave watches with restrained glee...
Later, Ironhide and Cliffjumper are driving through the Badlands on their way to a smelting plant. As Ironhide mentions that he was previously held as a Decepticon prisoner, they're suddenly attacked by Tidal Wave! He quickly knocks Cliffjumper off the road, then backs Ironhide into a corner; he wants Ironhide to lead him to an old seismic-shock warhead. When Ironhide hesitates, Tidal Wave reminds Ironhide of his time as a prisoner -- and how Tidal Wave would kill someone every time Ironhide was uncooperative. With Cliffjumper's life at stake, Ironhide reluctantly agrees...
Back at the Autobot base, Jetfire is worried about the lack of communications from Ironhide and Cliffjumper. Leaving Rodimus in charge, he flies off to find the two, but misses Cliffjumper's unconscious body in the Badlands.
Nearby, Ironhide has led Tidal Wave to one of Megatron's old bunkers, where the warheads were stored. Tidal Wave reveals that Scorponok wants to use the warhead on Earth, a move that'd destroy the planet and make its energon easily available. Ironhide is shocked, but has no choice but to obey; activating a set of keyed harmonics, he summons one of the bunkers, then begins to dismantle the warhead for Tidal Wave.
As he's preparing the final step to dismantle the warhead for Tidal Wave, Ironhide activates it instead -- then attacks Tidal Wave! Riding his shame at being abused by Tidal Wave, Ironhie lashes out with great fury, but Tidal Wave still manages to bat him aside. As the preshocks around them grow stronger, Tidal Wave escapes through a dimensional portal, and Jetfire arrives a moment later. Before Jetfire knows what's going on, the waves build in crescendo -- then suddenly stop.
Later, Ironhide explains that, while he was forced to manufacture warheads for the Decepticons, he also equipped their bunker casings with an echo-cavity that ultimately neutralizes them. Rodimus then asks why the warheads weren't neutralized sooner, and Ironhide explains he was afraid the Autobots would shun him if they knew e had helped the Decepticons. As Ironhide vows to finally face his past, Jetfire congratulates him for his Autobot-like courage in doing so.