Cable #78

1/16/2024 5:42:45 PM
I Still Believe I Cannot Be Saved


  Apocalypse defeated, Cable can get back to Hell's Kitchen, and finds his safehouse trashed, Irene frantic, and Blaquesmith wounded. Cable briefs Blaquesmith on Apocalypse's defeat and Cyclops's death (X-Men II:97). He hugs Stacey, then kicks her and Irene out. Blaquesmith shows him a secret door and lab with a sample of the Legacy virus. He is close to a cure, and the safehouse was attacked to get that data.

  Time cops from the future Ranshi Empire are trying to catch Harmonists.

  Ozymandias, free of Apocalypse, looks forward to an unknown future.

  Cable goes to the diner to talk to Stacey (picking up on his personal life, see iss. 71). She says she loves him; he is still not over Aliya's death, kisses her good-bye, then erases her memories of him. Doesn't work, though, because just then his powers fail (see Uncanny X-Men 379), and his virus goes berzerk.