Cable #107
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 2002
- Month
- 9
- LastChanged
- 1/16/2024 5:51:16 PM
Out with the Old
- Writer - Darko Macan
- Penciler - Igor Kordey
- Inker - Igor Kordey
- Lettering - Randy Gentile
- Colorist - Chris Sotomayor
- Ass't Editor - Lynne Yoshii
- Editor - Andrew Lis
- Editor in Chief - Joe Quesada
A man videos a corpse then asks Cable for a light, but Cable just wants to meditate alone. He tells Cable his boss, Ganglion, will rise again; it's his mutant power, and they have a TV show, which is getting repetitive.
A helicopter lands; children with guns want Cable to accompany them to their boss, Singapore. Ganglion pops up, wanting Cable for himself; Richard says he's just a minor mutant with a distributed brain. Cable had forced him to turn his gun against himself, to stop him from using it on anyone else, but he wants Cable to atomize him like he did in Kazakhstan (last iss.); Richard says he's s joke and shoots at him, backing him into the copter's rotors.
Cable just watches, so Richard then holds his own teammate hostage, knowing Cable's soft spot for children and curiosity will force his hand.
Singapore plays with his pet rat while manipulating the world; Richard tells Cable he's richer than Bill Gates. He greets Cable warmly, having watched video of him. He admits he named himself after the city and points out his well-paid mercenaries are children kept from growing during their 30 year contracts. He wants to help Cable use his power, to telepathically plant new ideas in the whole world. He offers to make him a messiah, but Cable turns the grape he was eating to poison, then removes the oxygen from him and his children. He says he's in control of his powers and tells Singapore to fear him.
Cable flies off in the helicopter, right into a lightning storm, wanting to get hit. Singapore says everything's perfect and watches as the copter is blasted. Cable plummets into the sea; a TK bubble forms around him, and he surfaces and floats. "Be afraid of me-I know I am."
Note: the series continues as Soldier X.