Cable #106
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 2002
- Month
- 8
- LastChanged
- 1/16/2024 5:51:01 PM
How to Find an A-Bomb
- Writer - Darko Macan
- Penciler - Mike Huddleston
- Inker - John Stanisci
- Lettering - Randy Gentile
- Colorist - Chris Sotomayor
- Ass't Editor - Lynne Yoshii
- Editor - Andrew Lis
- Editor in Chief - Joe Quesada
Near Astana, Kazakhstan, a vendor offers Cable some pumpkin seeds, three times, piquing his interest. He reads his mind and finds a sentence in Russian. Cable repeats the password: poached mushrooms. The vendor takes Cable to the truck, where Oraz already has the real contact, Joy. Oraz decides to take both to Kolya and let him sort it out.
Vanya watches an eagle in flight and tells Kolya she's thinking the money isn't enough, compared to how their father suffered.
Joy knows who Cable is; Cable knows she's SHIELD. The truck jolts to a stop; Oraz has sold them out to bandits, but Cable shoots them all. Joy is carrying $2mil worth of near-mint comic books, which are easier to carry than cash.
Vanya's angry her father was killed by nuclear tests; Kolya says he never complained.
Joy asks Cable if he didn't use TK because of Rio; he says yes, but really because he didn't mind wiping all those minds and realized he only cared about himself. She wants to be that professional, just being a rookie, herself.
They go by horseback to Kolya; Vanya takes Joy to see the bomb, while Kolya tells Cable the peasant he bought it from thought it was just a briefcase. He chose to sell it to the Americans, since they wouldn't use it. Kolya would like to be an eagle; Cable, a whale.
A shot: Vanya has killed Joy and wants to resell the bomb many times; Cable gets angry; Kolya releases his pet eagle to the skies; a burst of light. The police question the vendor, the only survivor. He says the site was vaporized, but there's no radiation, so Cable must have disintegrated it all. The captain returns Joy's body to SHIELD, orders the vendor beaten till he gives a more useful story, and alerts Singapore (next iss.). The eagle flies away.