Cable #84
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 2000
- Month
- 10
- LastChanged
- 1/16/2024 5:43:23 PM
Out of Space & Time
- Writer - Robert Weinberg
- Penciler - Michael Ryan
- Inker - Durruthy Massengill
- Inker - Andrew Pepoy
- Lettering - Richard Starkings
- Lettering - Comicraft
- Lettering - Saida Temofonte
- Colorist - Liquid!
- Editor - Mark Powers
- Editor in Chief - Bob Harras
Cable, Key, Wall, Phoenix, Beast, Hamid, and Berger go to Azazel's temple in the Sinai. Behind its indestructible doors, Jean senses five inhuman minds in trances, and a sixth, Azazel, protecting them, which she holds off. Hank finds an unnatural rock formation, and Key decrypts the lock. Azazel summons the Undyings' minds home, as Cable's team enters. They realize the temple is an alien spaceship, each Undying having brought a favorite body from a different ravaged world. Azazel is the ship's AI, which is keeping score.
The Undying release their host bodies around the world and return to attack. Cable's team defeats them, but they are unfazed: if killed, they will just jump to other bodies. But Key has accessed Azazel and learned that the ship's AI and the Undying were all created by a race of scientists, the Serayn, to explore the universe. But the Undying, amoral, went on a killing spree.
Key reprograms Azazel to allow the Undying to transfer only into the bodies of cockroaches, where they will live and die for the next few million years. Cable and team bury the temple under a rockslide.
Cable visits Irene in the hospital and tells her all. Eyla and Sandella port him away for a quick goodbye: he has prevented both of their timelines from occurring, so they have decided to team up and do good in the present.
Cable dreams of his sister Rachel held prisoner by Gaunt. He visits Andy Carmody's widow at his gravesite and tells her he died saving others.