Cable #95

1/16/2024 5:45:26 PM
Eternity Waits!


  It's a national emergency, and Cable is blamed for the attacks on the government (last iss.). The Dark Sisterhood is really behind it all, and Anderson flies to Washington, prepared to be president once the bomb in the Oval Office finishes the job.

  Bridge forces his way into Gyrich's office, with evidence that Deutsch is a traitor (iss. 92). They rescue the president and have Whitmoore arrest Anderson and Deutsch when they land.

  Cable and Irene prepare to break into the Sisterhood's Xylon base. Rachel finds them, dressed as Phoenix (but still without the Phoenix force) and ready to help. SHIELD sends in the first wave, and it's a firefight. Finality, observing her defeat, waits to kill Cable and Rachel, who attack, Cable using a motorcycle and sonic cannon. Rachel (perhaps taking the codename Justice?) takes out the lesser sisters, while Cable goes for Finality.

  She says she can foresee possible futures, but Cable and Rachel can't be predicted: he says that's because they're from future timelines. Since their psi-abilities are evenly matched, they fight physically.

  Cable unmasks her: she looks like Jean Grey, because she is her ancestor, and that's why she's a match for Cable.

  She raises her sword to finish Cable, but Irene interrupts, Cable chokes her, and she suddenly goes catatonic. Irene says it's because she realized all possible futures ended in her defeat and couldn't handle it. Rachel says her claim to be Jean's ancestor was another trick. They leave her for the army to find.