Amazing X-Men #3
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 1995
- Month
- 5
- LastChanged
- 1/16/2024 4:50:00 AM
After Xavier
Parents of the Atom
The Age of Apocalypse
- Writer - Fabian Nicieza
- Penciler - Andy Kubert
- Inker - Matt Ryan
- Lettering - Richard Starkings
- Lettering - Comicraft
- Colorist - Kevin Somers
- Colorist - Digital Chameleon
- Editor - Bob Harras
Magneto visits Xavier's grave, but Bishopreminds him they're on a perimeter alert. Magnetodestroys and recreates the gun he has pointed at him,then tells Bishop to fire over his left shoulder. Hecould sense the Infinites' teleportation, which wasdone by Vanisher, who vanishes.
Magneto and Bishop destroy the Infinites, but thenApocalypse himself attacks and defeats them. Magnetoplans to set a plasma rifle to overload and kill themall, but Apocalypse says Vanisher is going afterCharles, so he wants to live to protect him.
Apocalypse recalls how Magneto nearly defeated him,making Ship crash but losing half his magnetic power.Now he beats him into the ground. Under the mansion,Nanny generates many big guns to protect Charles fromVanisher.
The X-Men return and find signs of battle but nosurvivors. Bobby finds Vanisher's body in the tunnels,and they realize Nanny did it. Quicksilver sendsExodus and Dazzler to find her and Charles, Bobby tofind Rogue, and Ororo and Sean to stay at the mansion,while he runs to get information from Angel, whom hepunches, disarms, and generally insults. Angel is morethan willing to cooperate, having tired of playingboth sides, and he says Apocalypse has his father inhis citadel, while Bishop is at the Madri Tabernaclein Quebec.
The Madri torture Bishop, then let the Shadow Kingloose on him. He remembers Xavier, but knows thatBishop's memories didn't happen. Then he is ejectedfrom Bishop's mind, which shocks the Madri, who arethen swallowed by Abyss, who is unwilling to letBishop end this reality.
Quicksilver preps the team to rescue Bishop, since he is more crucial than his father and brother.