Spider-Man 2099 #31
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 1995
- Month
- 5
- LastChanged
- 7/5/2024 11:14:53 PM
Route 666
- Writer - Peter David
- Penciler - Roger Robinson
- Inker - Jimmy Palmiotti
- Lettering - Ken Lopez
- Colorist - Chia' Chi Wang
- Editor - Joey Cavalieri
- Editor in Chief - Bobbie Chase
Alone walking through a desert after the Nightshade episode, Miguel contemplates his situation. A driver stops to pick him up, but believes him to be some pervert waiting to take advantage of her, so she maces him and steals his bag. This and the heat pushes Miguel over the edge. What happens next is most likely a delusional nightmare.
An old friend named Dash stops to pick up Miguel, his bus boasting "VeloCity or bust!" One of the stewardesses on his "people freight" truck is Angela. Before Miguel can understand, the bus is detoured by a roadblock onto the path paved with good intentions, which makes for a bumpy ride. Dash commands Miguel to change to Spider-Man to be ready for the Bats, a biker gang of humanoid bats. The fight takes Spider-Man all over the bus as the Bats' leader rants about Spider-Man having accomplished nothing but training up until this point. Spidey defeats the Bats, but the next thing he remembers is Xina coming back for him in the desert.