Spider-Man 2099 #33

1/14/2024 12:10:07 AM
Strange Whine


  Spider-Man and Strange crash Morgez's party. He explains what he wanted to do about his dead sister. When Strange goes to examine the amulet Morgez used, it shocks her, and Strange's demon side comes to the fore. The demon shares Strange's body, and it wants retribution for what the amulet did to it. Strange's not-so-human mentor watches the scene through his crystal ball. He activates the Eye of Agamotto, and the demon in Strange is controlled once again. Before they can get their bearings again, they find what Morgez's spell has done. They find 'Nita reanimated, and Spidey plans to stop this whole mess. Meanwhile, 'Nando Morgez recalls the moment he lost his sister. He and a buddy were playing with his father's gun when 'Nita startled them, and Morgez fired blindly. Morgez prepares to make the most of his experiment when Strange brings 'Nita to Morgez. Using ventriloquism and hypnotism, she convinces Morgez through 'Nita that she wants to leave this cold place. Morgez gives her the amulet and hugs his sister as they both go up in flames. Strange destroys the amulet, and Miguel plans to return to New York.

  "J'Accuse" (Young Miguel O'Hara)3 pages

  During the hearing, Miguel tricks Kron into admitting he tried to drown him in the pool. Angela is pleased to render her decision soon, and Tyler is less than happy.