Spider-Man 2099 #35
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 1995
- Month
- 9
- LastChanged
- 7/5/2024 11:05:58 PM
Blood from a Stone
- Writer - Peter David
- Penciler - Andrew Wildman
- Inker - Stephen Baskerville
- Lettering - Ken Lopez
- Colorist - Megan McDowell
- Editor - Joey Cavalieri
- Editor in Chief - Bobbie Chase
- Computer Color - Malibu
Dana unties herself and finds Tyler. Doom absolves Dana of the attempt on Tyler's life, and arranges to fly her to Tyler at a hospital in New York. In New York, SHIELD Flyboys tell Spider-Man he is being left alone for the next seventy two hours to contemplate Doom's cabinet offer. Bloodmace, formerly Bloodhammer and formerly Bloodsword, plots to lead the Fenris to take over Alchemax after hearing of Stone's condition. With that, Venom appears out of a gutter drain wanting more details. Bloodmace is outraged by this affront, and Venom's costume wraps itself around the maniac, its acid dissolving him in seconds. Back at Babylon Towers, Miguel assures Xina (still driving home) that he is all right. Lyla's new humor interrupts Miguel, which in turn is interrupted by Doom, who comes looking for Miguel's answer to the Alchemax position void and to inform of Tyler's setback. Conchata disposes of her gun on her way back home, and Kasey accepts Gabriel's denial of an alter identity. This causes the couple to break up again, leaving Gabriel even more upset than ever. Miguel comes to the hospital to see Tyler, has words with Dana, and meets the all-new Venom, who recognizes him. Miguel ducks out to change to fighting attire, and stops Venom before he can kill Tyler Stone for sure. Venom seems to recall the first Spider-Man "when we were another". They set to battle.