X-Factor #137
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 1997
- Month
- 9
- LastChanged
- 6/4/2005 9:26:00 AM
It was a Dark & Stomy Night
- Writer - Howard Mackie
- Inker - Art Thibert
- Penciler - Andy Smith
- Colorist - Kevin Somers
- Lettering - Comicraft
- Lettering - Richard Starkings
- Lettering - KF
- Editor - Kelly Corvese
- Editor in Chief - Bob Harras
On a dark and stormy night, Val and her ex, Atkinson, risk their careers to rush X-Factor to a hospital. Forge asks Val why she ever let Sabretooth on the team; she replies, "I don't know!"
Sabretooth tracks a scent to the Chase's house, attacking them because they are Mystique's friends. He slashes Mr. Chase, but before he can kill Trevor, Stone interrupts, claiming to be his contact with the Hound program, and that he was only to abduct the boy. Sabretooth can't scratch Stone, so he slashes Mrs. Chase and follows Stone back to Hound HQ.
A helicopter approaches the hospital, so Val orders Atkinson to withdraw his men before they are in the line of fire. Mystique expects Val to turn her over to Bastion in order to save the team, so she attacks her and is shot by Atkinson. This has given Val an idea; she calls Bowser and offers to surrender to him (he has a rivalry with Bastion). Atkinson sends his men away but stays to back her up; Mystique escapes; Bastion's men attack the hospital.
Fatale and Havok port in, Val having known they would tap her call to Bowser. Alex refuses to reconsider his rejection of Xavier's dream, but he does get Fatale to port the team to safety. Val stays behind, to try to change the system from within.