X-Factor #75
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 1992
- Month
- 2
- LastChanged
- 5/31/2005 9:44:00 PM
The Nasty Boys
- Writer - Peter David
- Penciler - Larry Stroman
- Inker - Al Milgrom
- Colorist - Glynis Oliver
- Editor - Bob Harras
- Editor in Chief - Tom Defalco
Guido is arrested for demolishing the Washington Monument (last issue), and, humiliated, he has to be convinced by Alex to stay with the team.
Ramrod and Ruckus knock over a convenience store.
Jamie #2 reabsorbs #1, leaves the team, and gets into Atkinson's car, who is really Sinister. #2 had made a deal with him, to take over the Jamies and become the primary personality. Shaffran is revealed to have the mutant power to make others screw up, and plans to use it to become president.
A doctor examines a much-aged Pietro and says he is just under too much stress.
Chalker has refitted his exo-skeleton, but the batteries wear down, and he is stuck inside.
Alex realizes that someone has been messing with their powers, and that they released the wrong Jamie.
The original Jamie reasserts himself and replaces his multiple. The Nasty Boys immediately attack him until Sinister lets him go. He thinks Jamie will attack the Senator, and tells the Nasty Boys be there for it. X-Factor also arrives, and battle ensues, up and into the capitol. Shaffran reveals himself as a mutant and flies off.
Sinister reveals that he manipulated Shaffron into being revealed as an evil mutant, and that he wants Alex and Lorna to be acclaimed as heroes. He suggests Shaffron kill himself, but he shoots at Sinister, instead. He is killed by a ricochet.