X-Treme X-Men #4

2/3/2024 10:33:06 AM
Dreamtime Serenade


  Remy breaks into Vargas's fortress and defeats his guards but gets caught.

  Lucas, born in a devastated future, appreciates the Spanish orange groves. He and the X-Men are at a bonfire on the beach, and Rogue plays blues guitar in Betsy's honor. Lucas sees her spirit but thinks it's an illusion.

  He finds himself on Uluru, a.k.a. Ayers Rock, Australia, sacred to his mother's people (though we always assumed he was African-American). He sees Gateway and realizes this is Dreamtime (cf. Marvel Comics Presents 16). Gateway, his grandfather, speaks, calling him Lucas, and shows him images: alternate selfs; alternate futures, all dominated by a tower to the stars; a drawing from Destiny's diary of a man bound by jewels with a growth rising from the one on his heart.

  Betsy says the future is too terrible for Ororo to contemplate, and there's little chance of victory. She must go and says Lucas should investigate further. She walks backwards into Gateway's portal, and Lucas sees a shadowy figure behind her. He orders Gateway to bring her back or send him after her, but he plays mute again.

  The other X-Men pop into Dreamtime. Sage recognizes the tower as a 22,000 mile high elevator, used to put things into geosynchronous orbit.

  They find themselves back on the beach. Rogue looks like Gateway now and says since she absorbed him once (X-Men I:269), she must have brought them into Dreamtime.

  Lucas regrets not learning the ways of his parents, but he recognized the bejeweled man: Remy.

  Vargas traps and attacks Remy. Remy talks him into playing high card and manages to lose every hand and make Vargas laugh.

  Sage locates Destiny's house. While they wait for Ororo to pick the lock, Neal grouses, and Lucas confronts the rookie, challenging him to burn holes in two hockey pucks. First one, no problem; second one, adamantium. Lucas says he's making progress but can't yet control of his power. Rogue, not able to control hers, asks Sage's help.

  Destiny's house is prepared for company, and a crate has the X-Men's names on it. While Lucas cooks sausages, Rogue goes through it, finding clothes and ID to start new lives, and documents giving Destiny's wealth to her.

  Vargas has a sword, and Remy has no chance. Remy: "But I bet you never made your lady smile." Vargas unveils a life-sized Betsy trophy, saying she fought well. Remy, shaken, says she kissed better. Vargas has a diary, which is what Remy had wanted. They share wine and part cordially.

  Ororo dons a scandalous shift Destiny left for her, and Lucas takes notice. Remy watches through the window; he stole a diamond from Vargas in Betsy's honor.

  At the bottom of the crate, Rogue found a diary-sized box, but inside is a rose. Neal recognizes it as the one he placed in Betsy's coffin; presumably Vargas broke into it and into the crate, taking Betsy and the diary.