Exiles #67

1/18/2024 5:32:04 AM
Destroy all Monsters


  Krakoa is the "island that walks like a man"; it takes a swipe at the Science Squad's plane, and they blast back. Trask panics; he built the plane and knows it can't take this. Pym takes a moment to talk to the Exiles; Clarice explains she teleported them out of the monster's grasp.

  Krakoa senses a new power in the plane and hungers for it. Creed uses the Tallus to contact Heather, who tells them Krakoa can feed off mutant energies and caught the X-Men on Earth 616 (Giant-Size X-Men 1, Jun-75). Krakoa shoots parts of itself at the plane; Stark hits the afterburners, escaping and setting the island on fire.

  Science Squad contacts Sakata, who says Krakoa was on its way to Japan but changed course to chase them, atypical for a kaiju. Connors sends their sensor log, and Sakata sees the monster is a class-one global antigen. It seems the Exiles have messed everything up.

  In the Panoptichron, Heather tries to get the bugs to repair the forecast modules, but they didn't invent any of this and are just guessing. She and Strange realize the Exiles made things worse on that world; Barnell says he told them so. Heather gets mad at him, so he reminds her he doesn't want to be there; she explains they're unable to make contact with his world, Earth 616. Heather's sure they'll fix the glitch (see House of M LS), but they'll still need to reverse how he was "unhinged" from his reality. Strange decides to take another look at the stasis gallery.

  In Science Squad's base, Connors agrees to heal Calvin, but the Exiles need to fix their mess here. Clarice agrees but needs an explanation, and Connors does: the first global antigen they fought popped out of the ice and destroyed a geothermal energy facility. They later learned the lab would have collapsed the Earth's tectonic structure. Kaiju are giant monsters and are natural phenomena; some are pathogenic (like cancer) but some are antigenic, the response of Earth's biosphere to a threat, like antibodies. The Science Squad lets the good ones run their course, just evacuating civilians. Since Krakoa was headed for Japan, a bad monster may be on its way, too.

  Jigokudani Wild Monkey Park in Nagano Prefecture: tourists take photos of apes bathing in hot springs. A child asks why they don't cook; his father says the water isn't that hot, but then the apes begin to scream and the water to boil. There's an earthquake, and then they see a fin, and a fang. Foom! The dragon breathes fire, killing the tourists.

  Strange has a bug double-check Kane's corpse before he releases him for autopsy; turns out Deadpool is no longer dead. He died of a broken neck (iss. 13), but his regenerative capacity is off the charts, and his body has healed. Strange hopes they can use him to help Calvin heal and has the bug release him.

  Science Squad returns in three airships and uses the Exiles at bait to draw Krakoa toward the new monster, which is flying toward Tokyo. Pym asks if Clarice could just teleport it there, but it's too large and too far. The airships race ahead; they'll have to fight Fin Fang Foom till Krakoa arrives.

  Before the Exiles can get into the fight, the Science Squad merges and their airships into their secret weapon: Red Ronin.

  Deadpool wakes disoriented, asking about his teammates. Strange tells him Creed is okay but on a mission, and this is the Timebroker's base. He shakes Deadpool's hand and asks how he broke his neck; Deadpool demonstrates, breaking Strange's neck. and then smashing his bug helper. Creed is next.