Cable #34
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 1996
- Month
- 8
- LastChanged
- 1/16/2024 5:30:42 PM
Loose Cannons
- Writer - Jeph Loeb
- Penciler - Ian Churchill
- Inker - Scott Hanna
- Lettering - Richard Starkings
- Lettering - Comicraft
- Colorist - Mike Thomas
- Enhancement - Malibu
- Editor - Mark Powers
- Editor in Chief - Bob Harras
Note: this is part of the Onslaught crossover.
For millenia, Ozymandias has recorded Apocalypse's history in stone beneath the Egyptian desert. He predicts a dire future.
In Baltimore, Cable is not yet recovered from Post, when the Hulk shows up, at first in "smash" mode, then willing to reason. Cable smells something fishy: Hulk is being controlled by Onslaught.
They fight; Cable tries to telepathically revert Hulk to Banner, but gets Grey Hulk, instead.
SHIELD puts Baltimore under martial law; Storm comes to the rescue and blows Hulk away. Cable is dead; she uses lightning to restart his heart.
Hulk returns for more; Cable mind-links with Storm and uses lightning to short out Hulk's brain, and winds up with Savage Hulk.
Note: the battle continues in Hulk 444.