Cable #43
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 1997
- Month
- 5
- LastChanged
- 1/16/2024 5:34:28 PM
Broken Soldiers
- Writer - Todd Dezago
- Writer - Brian Vaughan
- Penciler - Randy Green
- Penciler - Chap Yaep
- Inker - Scott Hanna
- Lettering - Richard Starkings
- Lettering - Comicraft
- Lettering - Albert Deschesne
- Colorist - Mike Thomas
- Editor - Mark Powers
- Editor in Chief - Bob Harras
In Switzerland, a displaced Askani gathers his disciples and tells them about Cable as a young man. (Note: this is told in parallel with present-day events.)
In the future, after Aliya's death, Cable recklessly returns to a battlefield to save a fallen comrade. Confronting the New Canaanite soldiers, he gives them an ultimatum, then Tetherblood shoots them from a hidden position. The rescued soldier wants to kill the New Canaanites, but Cable stop him.
In the present, Cable saves a young mutant from an angry crowd. The boy lashes out with his power, telepathically felling the entire crowd. Cable stops him before he kills them all.
The lesson: don't let anger become hatred and make you a murderer.
Phoenix reviews the life of Maddie Pryor, since she is alive again (see X-Man 5, 25).
Note: a catalog of Cable friends and foes follows.