Cable #62
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 1998
- Month
- 12
- LastChanged
- 1/16/2024 5:38:42 PM
The Nemesis Contract
Strange Agencies
- Writer - Joe Casey
- Penciler - Jose Ladronn
- Inker - Juan Vlasco
- Inker - Al Milgrom
- Inker - Jimmy Palmiotti
- Inker - Scott Koblish
- Lettering - Richard Starkings
- Lettering - Comicraft
- Colorist - Gloria Vasquez
- Editor - Mark Powers
- Editor in Chief - Bob Harras
Belgrade's robots kill him. They think they are Sgt. Fury and the Howlers, and SHIELD are the Nazis. They fight their way into the engine room, where Cable confronts them. Together with Fury and his men, they destroy the robots, but not before some serious engine damage.
Irene takes Bridge to Jameson to spill the beans on SHIELD.
Truman fights Cable and gets caught in the exploding engine room. Cable breaks a window and jumps into the East River as the helicarrier nearly crashes.
Irene's story breaks; the Senate investigates; Waters and Quartermain are disgraced. Truman survives, barely, in a SHIELD lab's body suit.