Cable #104
- Publisher
- Marvel
- Year
- 2002
- Month
- 6
- LastChanged
- 1/16/2024 5:50:29 PM
- Writer - Igor Kordey
- Writer - David Tischman
- Penciler - Igor Kordey
- Inker - Igor Kordey
- Lettering - Randy Gentile
- Colorist - Avalon Studios
- Colorist - Arsia Rozegar
- Ass't Editor - Lynne Yoshii
- Editor - Andrew Lis
- Editor in Chief - Joe Quesada
200 days ago, the World Trade Center was destroyed, an "unprovoked blow."
Goldberg visits Hoyle in the hospital, lectures him on acceptable loss, and kills him. Then he gets a call from Popov, who's angry because he can't find the cloning base. Then he orders Cable's teleportation frequency jammed.
Koce clones are in a frenzy, killing each other, and no one is safe. Samir has them all gassed, and Yacoupi tells him all the clones will go mad: cloning is a new science. He has a serum that may help, and the clones are injected, including Samir, who didn't know he had been assassinated.
Samir, furious and denying he's a clone, strangles Yacoupi with his tie, till Gani beans him with a chair. The clones get guns and rampage, remembering their death and knowing they're doomed.
Cable gets to the computer and erases the files, while Viktoria guards the door and winds up killing a Macedonian soldier viciously with just her pen, till Cable stops her. He tries to bodyslide them out but can't.
Ana remembers her brother killing her and kills him, with a knife in the back. She realizes he wore her bloody shawl to mourn her, and then she's sorry.
Soldiers find Cable, trapped, and the base explodes. Cable and Viktoria sit on a nearby mountaintop, watching it burn. Cable wonders if he's ever accomplished anything.
Ana sees Sali, who is quite mad, and takes him to a doctor. She has found a reason to live.
Goldberg gets a call from his superior, angry that he overstepped his boundaries and warning him he's expendable.